Forsa Tenye
This small animation focuses on the life of one prisoner in the Roumieh prison that I interviewed back in my senior year. It is a part of an awareness campaign that launches my proposed organization called ‘Forsa Tenye’. This organization will work hand in hand with the government to help prisoners become once again ‘normal’ humans with jobs, families, a life and more. More importantly, this organization is aiming to assist them during and after their prison time.
Emperor’s New Clothes Lyric Video
Kinetic Animation for the song ‘Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco.
Forsa Tenye
Due to the fact that prisoners are not having the proper preparation in prisons to help them integrate into society and having encountered a lot of prisoners and hearing their stories, I decided to propose an organization ‘Forsa Tenye’ that will work hand in hand with the government to help prisoners become once again ‘normal’ humans with jobs, families, a life and more. More importantly, this organization is aiming to assist them during and after their prison time.